This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts and in their minds will I write them and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
Imagine the alaphabet with no 'X'
Published on December 7, 2007 By hamartanō In Religion
The English alphabet consist of 26 ordered letters and none without significance, both vowels and consonants, when put together with rhyme and reason they make up syllables and words that allow us on jU to banter back and forth. What I would like for you to consider is our alphabet with no ‘X’ . The 24th letter of the English alphabet, a consonant may not seem like a very important letter but a very necessary part of our communication. Consider if it were removed from our alphabet?

There would be no eXperiments. No Thomas Edison. No Bill Nye the Science Guy. What if there were no eXperimentation of thoughts or ideas, either I would think like ‘Little Whip’ or she would think like me! Worse than this we would all think like Aeryck? eek…… Imagine a world where we were forbidden to consider and eXperience new and different thoughts, or even the liberty to voice them, jU would not be what it is today?

We could never have eXtras. No eXtra ice cream (no pun intended your majesty) and pie. No eXtra pay for working over and above the expected time… no snooze buttons on the alarm clock, because there no time for eXtra sleep in the morning; not even 10 minutes? eek!

We would never be able to ‘X‘ -out anything. If something was written or said, it would be permanent. We could not go back and take it back and say I am sorry. Scary, for most all of us have said things in the past and would give anything is we could take back.
No ‘X’ marks the spot….. Life without the all important ‘X’.

For some the day could pass and we could avoid the ‘X’….. but consider how important it is for the illiterate….. it is a mark of the ‘X', made instead of a signature by a person unable to write. It becomes ones legal identity. What is the seeming symbol of uneducated shame becomes the very being of the individual on paper.

The greatest and saddest of all is there would be no Christmas… It became common place for many in society to tag on the ‘X’ to-mas. Then it became very un-cool to even mention the word Christmas so now it is only appropriate to say “Happy Holidays”. So what is the Holiday we are celebrating? The birth of Christ? But some will say, we are not celebrating the birth of Christ but Santa Claus bringing gifts to good girls and boys. I don’t believe in this Jesus. How ridiculous would it be to take your Santa Claus out of your picture? Or maybe it should be X-claus or maybe santa-X….. oh, I forgot the ’X’ has been taken out, it is no longer available. Imagine a world with no ‘X’, it never belonged in Christmas and now we can’t put it there because it has been taken out of the alphabet?

My point is this, I do not do a real good job of adhering to political correctness, as a preacher of the gospel, I believe in Jesus Christ and Christmas is a celebration of His birth…. He ‘Christ’ belongs in Christmas not the ‘X‘. I also believe the ‘X’ needs to stay right where it is at and hope no one ever takes it out of the alphabet.

Christ is the reason for the season so I would like to wish you all ’both friends and foes’ a very Merry Christmas.

God Bless

Comments (Page 12)
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on Dec 24, 2007
Not really, lula, it isn't pagans who are trying to drive semblances of Christianity from the public square, it's sue-happy atheists and overly zealous secularists. Then again, I suppose that in your mind, they're the same as 'pagans.'

I am thinking we are giving way too much credit to the human aspect. The 'sue happy atheists and overly zealous secularists' are the instruments, but don't you think the fuel for the oppression of Christmas from the 'Christ' perspective is from a spiritual source?

on Dec 24, 2007
Nope, I think it's from an overly litigious and greedy society in general, ever on the lookout for a way to get rich by taking 'offense.'

I would agree whip. My study of the scriptures teach me that men do whatever they do because of their own selfishness. There is a way that seems right to the man, while all along there is a greater purpose and origin of their action.

A good example of this whip is Herod. When the Magi came seeking Him that was born king of the Jews. Herod requested that once they had found Him, that they would bring news of His whereabouts so that he might go and worship Him also. Now we know that Herod did not truly wish to worship the Christ but to kill Him. The fact that He was born a King threatened the livelihood and well being of Herod's future so to quench is own greedy selfish desires, he (Herod) set out to exterminate all those born from two years and less.

Herod had no clue as to the spiritual depth of what had occured in the tiny town of David, but Satan understanding the prophices and understood this could be the Seed of the Woman... the Redeemer, the Son of God and could not afford to allow Him to live.

I see the actions of man often promoted by a spiritual force, that often the man is not even aware. Any thoughts?

on Dec 24, 2007
I see the actions of man often promoted by a spiritual force, that often the man is not even aware.

I agree and that's why my mantra these days especially are to "test the spirits."

Merry Christmas H!

on Dec 24, 2007
Greetings KFC and Merry Christmas.

"test the spirits."

Wise you are in this day of spiritual confusion. Many do not realize that though we live in a physical world it is immersed in a spiritual one. A world of principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Many fall to the beckoning of the spiritual authority and do not even realize the powers to be are of the devil. It is like the religious leaders of Jesus day. They sought to kill him. Christ told them "the lust of your father ye do". He was a murder from the beginning and his will is being wrought out in their actions; and they didn't even have a clue.

Pharaoh would be another good example. He fully intended to kill all the males born lest the enemy grow from within. Satan had an ulterior motive.

We see all to often. An individual does something unbelievably grotesque and give no credit where credit is due.

on Jan 07, 2008
There are other reasons for the season. There are Jewish and Buddhist holidays for two. Ya'll don't have a lock on December.

Happy Holidays (Christmas, Chanukah, and Rohatsu, at least)

Be well
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